Services and Office Tour
Our specialists offer a range of consultation and evaluation services to meet the needs of all of our clients. While our focus is children and adolescents, we work with adults, as well. See photos of our beautiful office space and descriptions of our services below.

Developmental Assessments
Our specialists can provide developmental assessments that review your child’s cognitive, social/emotional, and adaptive living skills. Children as young as 15 months through adolescence can qualify for these assessments to review how potential developmental delays can impact their functioning across home/school settings. Our team is trained to include testing needed for OPWDD eligibility, as well as to develop a treatment plan for your child. CDPHP and MVP cover these assessments; private pay options also available.
Specialized Autism Spectrum Evaluations
Our specialists are trained in administering the ADOS-2 (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule) in order to determine the presence of an Autism Spectrum Disorder. Testing often includes an intellectual and adaptive assessment, as well as an observation of your child within a natural setting (classroom/camp). The evaluation will result in a diagnostic profile that will guide your child’s treatment planning — educational interventions, therapies, home-based interventions. Adult assessments are also available with specific providers. CDPHP and MVP cover these assessments; private pay options also available.
Individual Counseling
Several of our specialists offer individual and family counseling services and accept a range of insurances.
Educational Consultants
Our consultants are available to review your child’s educational program/IEP via a private pay agreement. Functional Behavioral Assessments (FBAs) and school-based consults are also provided under the umbrella of a school district contract.